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Title quote by Leonard Cohen.

About the AFAB Group

We are a small social group of 14-19 year old autistic girls, and those assigned a female gender at birth (AFAB). We come together once a week during term time in understanding and solidarity.

In May 2024 we all shared a special journey together into the world of Kinstugi, where with broken fragmants of pottery we set about rebuilding and repairing a series of pots.

The strength and solidarity we bring to each other is gold. This group means everything to me.

Anon – AFAB group member

About Kintsugi

Kintsugi, also known as Kintsukuroi, is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.

This practice not only restores the functionality of the broken item but also transforms it into a unique piece of art.

The word “kintsugi” translates to “golden joinery” or “golden repair,” highlighting the use of precious metals in the repair process.

It is often used as a metaphor for healing and recovery in life, suggesting that brokenness and repair can lead to a stronger, more beautiful whole.

The process

So the practical process goes likes this:

  1. Pots were purchased from our local charity shops. 
  2. We all went to a grassy area and, well, we smashed them.
  3. We gathered up the pieces and took them back to our AFAB room.
  4. We mixed together some glue and gold glitter.
  5. We stuck the pieces back together using the gold glue.
  6. We left the pots to dry in a ventilated area.
  7. We then placed them on a decorative plinth to display them and set out amongst them some relevant quotes that encapsulate Kintsugi.

Top Tip

Stick the pieces back together one at a time whilst leaving time for the glue to dry in between because otherwise it all turns into one big sticky, slidy mess!

Images and quotes from our Kintsugi experience

To grow is to change. Change can be scary. It causes you to dive deep into your inner self. It’s hard to go diving, to find our strength.

We need to break open to grow and become everything we can be in the world.

AH – AFAB group member

I’ve had multiple set-backs and losses. There were times when I felt I had no strength to keep going. I have learned I am stronger than I ever thought possible.

When everything falls apart the reconstruction is almost impossible, but so satisfying. I’m badass!

AD – AFAB group member

broken pinky red pot with someone holding the bits together

AFAB group

This article was written in collaboration with the members of our AFAB group whom we are proud to have as guest contributors to our site.