07309 563 563 ask@waymakers.co.uk

We give you knowledge, strategies and confidence in creating inclusive workplaces. For individuals, managers, HR leaders and staff in caring professions.

Training, Workshops & Organisational Support

Training, Workshops & Organisational Support

We give you knowledge, strategies and confidence in creating inclusive workplaces. For individuals, managers, HR leaders and staff in caring professions.

Bespoke Workshops

Our talks, training and workshops are aimed at staff at all levels. We design sessions around the individual needs and context of your workplace.

Individual support

We seek to harness strengths and find ways to lower or remove barriers. The goal is for individual wellbeing and performance to shine.

Support for staff and operational design

Are you building a neurodiversity agenda? Or developing processes? We can support and guide you.

How we work

Diversity is an outcome of inclusion. So, designing inclusive systems and structures enables us to build diverse teams. This is neither costly nor complex, yet brings immense benefits to:
  performance, productivity, profits, workplace culture and wellbeing. It’s a no-brainer.
WayMakers works with whole teams, managers and individual staff.
Our approach is action-focused and tailored to your organisation’s context, goals and needs.
We thrive and perform best when we feel psychologically safe. This happens when:
  • we are comfortable and confident to share our ideas;
  • we can be ourselves;
  • others accept and value us;
  • we don’t fear discrimination.
By nurturing all kinds of mind, we can provide the supportive environments, systems and cultures. Ones that enable wellbeing, creativity and performance to flourish.
‘Neurodiversity’ is a concept that helps explain the many variations in how we each think, process information, communicate and move. Being ‘wired differently’ — often referred to as neurodivergent — brings strengths and opportunities for individuals and the teams they’re part of.  So understanding some of our differences can help us improve how we reach, connect with and work alongside others.
Contact alex@waymakers.co.uk to explore how we can work with you.

Who we work with

We work in the corporate sector, education, health and social care, and with voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE).

Organisations who have chosen us include the National Trust and...

The training really helped me gain a better understanding into what neurodiversity is and the umbrella of conditions that make up the term.

It was also very useful to learn how to apply the techniques, tools and best practices into all the designs we produce.

Bespoke workshops

Workshops can be:
  • a shorter ‘introduction’ to autism and neurodiversity;
  • half-day sessions;
  • full-day bespoke workshops.
Longer sessions give you time to action-plan in the context of your role and setting.
Our talks and workshops:
  • are neurodiversity affirming;
  • share knowledge, understanding and practical tools;
  • inspire and build confidence in your team to nurture inclusive cultures;
  • encourage an appreciation of neurodiverse in your workforce;
  • promote equity.
We also offer consultancy ‘clinics’ for teams. These allow for conversations about specific scenarios. Here we can often give more targeted support to address minor challenges.
Who are the workshops for?
Our workshops are suitable for any staff in any industry. They might: recruit, supervise, support, or work alongside autistic staff.
Organisation-wide training is important in creating a neuro-inclusive culture. Regular training is ideally part of your organisation’s best practice, as managed by HR.
By building neuro-inclusive understanding and approaches, you will:
  • attract,
  • appoint,
  • support,
  • retain and
  • reach a more neurodiverse staff or client group.
  • Promote a neuro-inclusive culture.
  • Reflect the true pattern of neurodiversity that exists in the world.
What are the benefits?
You will gain:
  • knowledge about autism, ADHD and the neurodiverse spectrum;
  • a strengths-based appreciation of neurodiversity;insights into the common challenges neurodivergent people face;
  • practical tools and approaches. You can use these to build more supportive and neuro-inclusive cultures.

Research shows that diverse teams achieve better outcomes and are more productive.

What’s not to like?
How do you work with an organisation?
  • Most workshops cater for an organisation’s individual context and needs.
  • Ahead of delivery, we capture the detail we need to meet your needs. We want to understand your desired outcomes; the context of your staff needs; your preferred workshop length and style; and your budget.
  • We prefer in-person delivery, but can deliver virtually.
  • If you’re looking for wider information dissemination, we can reach large groups. More interactive workshops are capped at 15 people. Creating a safe space enables participants to talk more freely and comfortably.
  • Following a group session, we can also run a clinic if you wish. Individuals can the consult with us on particular issues they wish to address.
What are the costs?

Costs vary depending on numbers and your sector. 

Where training for staff is requested by a neurodistinct staff member, the cost of training might be covered by their Access to Work grant. 

Please do contact us to discuss your wishes: alex@waymakers.co.uk  

Your support for my son was such a lifeline – as was the support and encouragement of his manager. He is doing well with a full time job – step by step he is building confidence and a way of life that accommodates his autism.

Workplace needs for staff

WayMakers offers workplace needs discussions in connection with your staff. They might be a current candidate, a trainee or an employee.
We will speak to the individual concerned and the manager. We also evaluate the demands of the role and relevant environmental factors. We are looking to establish:
  • how the individual is likely to be able to be at their best;
  • how to support them and manage likely challenges they may face.
Following our visit and conversatoin, we will share a bespoke guidance report. This will recommend the support and any ‘reasonable adjustments’ you might offer. Appropriate support and adjustments improve the chances of lasting success for everyone.
Workplace adjustments are usually low cost and straightforward. They might be slight changes to the workstation, the timing of the individual’s working day, or the way in which they carry out a specific duty.
‘Reasonable adjustments’ are what it says on the tin: reasonable. They are designed to get the best out of your staff.
An Access to Work grant may be available to fund or part-fund certain equipment or support.

Operational Support

You might be just starting to create your neurodiversity agenda. Or perhaps you are looking at ways to develop certain processes. Get in touch if you would like support or guidance.
Consultancy is a useful way to tighten up the ways you attract, support and retain staff. It can also have a positive impact on the ways you reach your clients or service users.
Neuro-inclusive systems improve:
  • job performance,
  • day-to-day operations,
  • outcomes for both individuals and whole teams.

What our clients’ say

Alex really made the topic come alive and her experience gave me light bulb moments of how neurodivergent brains work, and how to understand and help meet their needs. Really great, thank you.

Primary Care Worker, NHS

'Working with autistic individuals' training

One thing I truly enjoyed was discussing specific situations with colleagues and the facilitator, and gaining ideas of how to deal with those specific scenarios. 

I am dyslexic and a lot of this course resonated and gave me hope. It made me feel inspired to create a compassionate and considerate team.

Middle Manager, regional team

'Neurodiversity for Managers' workshop

So informative and thought provoking. The Appreciating Autism workshop was innovative and challenging of typical models, views and presentations.

Excellent delivery, positive and solution-focused.

Caring Professional

'Appreciating Autism' workshop

I enjoyed the whole talk! It was very engaging and easily the most enjoyable and engaging talk I’ve attended in a long time. Alex is very personable, friendly and informative and is an excellent speaker. She presented neurodivergence and autism in such a positive way, it was really refreshing and thought provoking.

Higher Education Tutor

'Nurturing Neurodiversity' workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

Can your workshop and training be tailored to our specific needs?

Yes! We can provide bespoke workshops and training to suit your organisational needs. We talk through your desired outcomes, your staff needs and the preferred workshop length and style.

We have an employee who we feel might need some coaching support in the workplace. Can you help?

Yes! WayMakers can work with both the individual and the team around them. We can help to provide recommendations and reasonable adjustments to allow your employees to thrive in the workplace.

Can employee support be funded?

Yes, it is possible for individuals to receive funding for a wide range of different kinds of support from Access to Work.

You may wish to learn more about Access to Work here.

Our latest blog posts

We are delighted to feature writing from our autistic service users, published quarterly with our newsletter.

We are grateful for the kind support of

national lottery funding WayMakers Devon
DMHA partnership providing support for people experiencing challenges with their mental health
national lottery funding WayMakers Devon
linked logo to UnLtd website homepage
The Norman Family Trust
Linked logo to The Schreier Foundation website homepage

Our partners

Neurodiversity partner with WayMakers
Skills for Care Endorsed Provider Logo
banner in purple with West Country Awards 2023 Semifinalist written on it

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07309 563 563