Person-centred. Strengths-based. Solution-focused.
Frequently Asked Questions
We improve opportunities and outcomes for autistic people age 14 and up. We deliver support to them and those around them.
Person-centred. Strengths-based. Solution-focused.
We improve opportunities and outcomes for autistic people age 14 and up. We deliver support to them and those around them.
Our Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common frequently asked questions. Please contact us if there’s anything else you’d like to know.
Do I need a diagnosis to access your support?
No! No diagnosis is necessary. We believe in meeting needs, more than labels.
Our purpose is to facilitate the change that is needed, with the client’s best interests at heart. We recognise that trust and a good rapport are essential to the coaching relationship, so this is a priority in all our work.
Your willingness to engage is the only real requirement.
I’m not sure this is right for me – how can I find out more?
Please email to find out more about the next steps. We can work together to make sure we are the right fit for you.
Can I access funds through Autism Forward?
Autism Forward will fund adults with an autism diagnosis who are in search of employment.
Will the Neurodiversity Profile Mapping tool give me a diagnosis?
No. The DoIT profile will give you a better understanding of yourself, your strengths, the areas that you may find more challenging, and some ways to manage these.
Profile mapping cannot be used as ‘proof’ of diagnosed needs, but by enhancing your understanding of your wiring and current needs, provides actionable guidance to support your wellbeing and performance at work.
Why can't I go directly to DoIT to complete the profile screening?
You can. However, you will get a less comprehensive report that way.
The scope of the reporting provided via licensed providers such as WayMakers is more in-depth and includes features not available to those purchasing an individual license directly.
In addition, WayMakers develop the information offered by the DoIT tool one step further. During our consultation with you, we unpack the DoIT findings, present these in a visually accessible format, and work with you to create tailored, actionable support strategies to address your individual challenges.
This brings together your understanding of your profile with the practical steps that answer your “what now” questions.
Email us at to find out more.
Is there funding to help me pay for the Profile Mapping service?
The fee is currently £525. We will let you know if we secure further grant funding to subsidise this cost..
Training Workshops & Organisational Support
Can your workshop and training be tailored to our specific needs?
Yes! We can provide bespoke workshops and training to suit your organisational needs. We talk through your desired outcomes, your staff needs and the preferred workshop length and style.
We have an employee who we feel might need some coaching support in the workplace. Can you help?
Yes! WayMakers can work with both the individual and the team around them. We can help to provide recommendations and reasonable adjustments to allow your employees to thrive in the workplace.
Can employee support be funded?
Yes, it is possible for individuals to receive funding for a wide range of different kinds of support from Access to Work.
You may wish to learn more about Access to Work here.
I have learning support needs as well: can you support me?
If you have significant learning needs, we may not be the best people to support you. Our expertise does not lie in working with people with significant learning needs.
If you are in Devon, you may find that the Reaching for Independence team are better placed to work with you. You can find out more by calling:
Care Direct on 0345 1551 007
Is WayMakers a Christian organisation?
No. We have no affiliation to any religion or faith.
‘WayMakers’ was chosen as our business name to convey that we work alongside our clients to find and set up the best steps forwards in their lives or work.